China's smart phones market status: Huawei Xiaomi OV accounted for 84%

Source: Die Cutting Network

          On August 3rd, market research firm Counterpoint sent an analysis report on China's smartphoness in the second quarter of 2019. The overall shipments fell by 9% compared with the same period of last year, but the decline has slowed down. The top ten vendors have a combined market share of 92%.

Domestic brands continue to be strong Apple Samsung is about to be squeezed out

The report shows that Huawei is still ranked first in stability, with a market share of more than 35%, while OPPO and vivo are ranked two to three, and their market share is over 18%. As for Xiaomi, it is beyond Apple. The fourth position is stable, and the share of these four manufacturers has reached 84%.

The strength of the domestic mobiles phones brand makes Apple and Samsung extremely sad. The first is Apple. Its market share in China is less than 6%. From the current situation, the share is still falling, and Samsung wants to counterattack. However, its market share in China still does not exceed 1%, only a poor 0.8% (the two giants add up to less than 7%).

For the current trend of the Chinese smartphones market, Counterpoint said in the report that if Apple does not change the existing strategy (high price, lack of innovation in user perception, obvious shortcomings, etc.), then they may end up being more and more The Chinese users are abandoning, and Samsung is the same. The strong and weak market rules of the strong and weak are becoming more and more obvious.

What is the specific performance of each manufacturer?

Huawei (including glory): The total shipments in the second quarter of this year were 35.2 million units, of which P30 series shipped more than 5 million units, and the 9 series shipped nearly 5 million units. The average monthly shipment of nova 4 series exceeded 100. Wantai, while the glory 8X shipments were 2 million units, and the newly launched glory 20 series shipped nearly 1 million units in the first month. At present, their market share in China has reached 35.2%, a year-on-year increase of 26%, and it is still expanding its share, hoping to reach about 50%.

OPPO, vivo: The two manufacturers are very similar in product mix, such as OPPO's Reno series and vivo's X27 series, all of which have achieved very good sales results in the offline market. In the second quarter, the domestic market shipped more than 3 million. Taiwan, while the two also strengthened the proportion of online channel sales, OPPO's K3 and vivo's Z5 performance is very eye-catching, which is why their market share has remained stable at more than 18%.

Xiaomi: At present, Xiaomi's sales in the Chinese market are slowly recovering (market share is 11.5%, down 0.5% compared with the same period of last year), and the red rice series is still in the lead. For example, Redmi Note 7 has become the best-selling family in the quarter. Models, while the Xiaomi 9 and Redmi K20 series also played a role in promoting, how they continue to increase their share in the mid-to-high-end market in the future, they must think about the problem.

Apple: In the second quarter of this year, the company shipped less than 6 million units in the Chinese market, with a market share of only 5.9%, which is the worst quarter in recent years. In this quarter, the best selling is the iphoness XR. It accounted for 67% of the total shipments, mainly due to price reduction promotions.

Among the top ten, there are Samsung, Meizu, ZTE and other brands, but the market share is less than 1%. For these brands, it is basically unrealistic to want to counterattack into the first echelon, but how to keep it It is very important that the market is not taken away. For example, Samsung has slowly set its sights on the domestic high-end market, but the brand influence is not as good as before.
